Ear Impressions
All of our handcrafted custom in ear monitors require a full shell impression, completed by a professional audiologist. Be sure to print this impression guide and give to the audiologist during your visit.
PLEASE NOTE: YOUR EAR IMPRESSIONS DICTATE THE FINAL FIT OF YOUR CUSTOM IEMS - PLEASE FOLLOW OUR GUIDELINES TO ENSURE THAT YOUR FIT IS CORRECT. While we will be happy to work with you to get your fit right, you will be responsible for all inbound shipping, outbound shipping, and customs costs associated with refitting your custom IEMs. Please see the pictures above and below to ensure that your impressions meet the standard. If you have any questions or doubts feel free to reach out to support@empireears.com with pictures of your impressions and we can direct you further.


Please ensure that your impressions are made with adequate coverage and material like the photos below.

The impressions should display the full contour of both the outer ear and the ear canal, to a sufficient depth.
Each ear impression must include the full helix, crus of the helix, tragus and antitragus.
IMPORTANT: The impression must be taken just past the second bend of the ear canal.
The material utilized to shoot the impression must be made of high-viscosity silicone.
The impression must be taken with the client’s mouth open. We recommend that a 1-2” bite block is used. Utilizing this method will reduce movement and will result in a more secure fitment as well as an optimum seal for maximum performance from your Empire custom in-ear monitors.
If you have any questions at all or are unsure if your impressions meet the requirements please send detailed photos to our support team at support@EmpireEars.com
Once you receive your impressions, please ship them to us at:
Empire Ears
Download Printable Ear Impression Guide Form