The fine people over at Headfonics.com have seen fit to bestow Odin with an award for the Best Universal IEM of 2020. We are floored to, yet again, receive such praise. It is beyond gratifying to have all of our hard work recognized by one of the largest names in portable hi-fi - so thank you so much to the Headfonics team for this great honor. Read more HERE
It's not just us saying it: Odin is the Best Universal IEM of 2020!!!
Our goal when engineering a flagship IEM is to produce something that causes a paradigm shift in what people believe is possible. We seek to push the boundaries of what people can expect from such a tiny device. We certainly believe that we have been successful in Odin - and it appears that our bet has paid off. Yes, Odin is expensive - crazy expensive, even - but it is also so good. Otherworldly good. Best of the best good. But don't take our word for it:
Thank You Headfonics!
Again, our gratitude runs deep. Swinging for the fences is always a risky proposition, and the recognition of our efforts and success helps to make every stressful day and late night more than worth it.